Discover our services for the compliance of your CBD products!

CBD products are regulated very differently depending on the markets of interest and the category: we can help you find the right path for their compliance!

For zero nic e-liquids with CBD, allowed in Austria and Estonia.
The notification process is conducted in accordance with EU Implementation Decision 2015/2183 of 24 November 2015, thanks to a mix of scientific, regulatory and IT competencies.
You can count on a dedicated personal assistant, who coordinates the whole process and become a unique and qualified referent for each request from and to each Member States.
All the documents concerning your notification process (analysis results, xml files, receipts, etc..) will be stored in a very safe dedicated section of our IT systems, shared with you to have your files always available.
We can carry out on your behalf the whole procedure, from the request for a Submitter ID to the submission of notifications through the EU-CEG of European Commission, or customizable according to your needs.
Notification service also includes the shipment of a notification declaration (with no legal value), the follow up with the European Commission and the Authorities of Member States of destination and the fully mediation and assistance in the event of requests from the Authorities.
Safety Data Sheet – SDS

In compliance with Reach Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and subsequent modifications, for all kind of CBD products.
The SDS is a legally binding informative document, the product supplier (manufacturer/importer/responsible company) must deliver to distributors or retailers (not to final users) when shipping the goods.
In order to ensure the confidentiality of your industrial secrets, SDS are issued by our own professionals and not by a third supplier. SDS are produced basing on of each single variant of flavour and nicotine, and in language of targeted market.

For all kind of CBD products.
The regulatory elements to be included in the packaging of products with CBD are very different depending on the category in which the product falls; do you market a cosmetic or a medical device, or a supplement or novel food?
Rely on our support for:
- the definition of the regulatory elements to be included on the label (mandatory elements, nutritional table, claim …)
- the graphic studio.
R&D Projects

Nowadays it is strategic to invest in high-quality R&D activities to raise the company competitiveness through the improvement of products and services.
Internal R&D capabilities can be developed learning extremely peculiar skills, that are not to be easily gained, beyond the installation of state-of-the-art technological equipments, that are often very expensive both in purchasing and maintenance.
These are the reasons why the ideal solution to optimize the results of an R&D activity, it’s to rely on a trusted partner, that can guarantee a strong skill background, and a solid history: we have what it takes!
Contact us to develop togheter your R&D project!
Look at our experience in CBD research!
- FOSCOLO (FOrmulation and Stabilization of Local BiOactive Compounds) project: Applied research project funded by the Lombardy Region, in the context of the development framework program # AG4.1 New bioactive compounds from agri-food plant matrices, their extraction and stabilization and verification of functional properties to respond to the new needs of the consumer. The project aims to develop new practices for the transformation of products based on cannabidiol (CBD) and extracts of C. sativa. (PARTNER: University of Milan-Bicocca; CUSTOMER: TRUSTiCERT). The project was co-financed from the 2014-2020 POR FESR resources;

- FOREVER (Sustainable phytoextracts for new nutritional needs): applied research project funded by the Lombardy Region, in the context of the development framework program # AG4.1. New bioactive compounds from agri-food plant matrices, their extraction and stabilization and verification of functional properties to meet the new needs of the consumer. The project is aimed at developing new sustainable practices for the production of phytoextracts with functional properties. (PARTNER: University of Milan-Bicocca; CLIENT: TRUSTiCERT). The project was co-financed using the POR FESR 2014-2020 resources;

- TRUSTiCERT funded a first project focused on CBD e-liquids and CBD oils; the aim of this work is dual: on one side, to investigate the real content of cannabidiol in liquids; on the other, to verify the effects of different storage conditions on the CBD amount.
Contact us:
we’ll be pleased to help you!